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How do I become a parent volunteer?
Parents are key to the life of our school. We welcome parent and carer involvement and invite parents and carers to contribute towards building community by contributing to the life of the school community.
Demonstrate to your children that volunteering is a good thing. Contact the school today using the 'I'd like to be a parent volunteer' enquiry type on our contact form or call us on 8633 8100.
What are the school fees?
There are three levels of annual fees, billed in instalments during Terms 1, 2 and 3:
- Annual Diocesan Tuition Fees set by Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese
- Diocesan Building Levy set by Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese
- School-based fees.
Annual tuition fees in Catholic systemic schools vary from Kindergarten to Year 12 but there are very significant discounts for your second and third child. In fact, there are no fees for your fourth and subsequent children.
In addition to the tuition fees, there is a Diocesan School Building Levy which is charged per family per year. There are also school-based fees which are set by each school.
Do Catholic schools enrol children with additional needs?
We welcome students with diverse needs and aim to provide appropriate educational opportunities and support for students with additional needs. Once the school has evaluated whether a prospective student meets the general enrolment criteria, the additional needs of the student and the school’s capacity to meet them must also be evaluated.
Additional needs are varied and sometimes complex to identify and evaluate. Close partnership with parents is important to support the prospective student in finding what may be their best interests. In some instances school placement at this school may not be available or be in the best interests of the student. The Principal and Catholic Education's Director System Performance may seek a way forward by working with the family, if the family would like assistance.
Parents of children with additional needs are advised to approach the school more than a year in advance.
High Support Learning Needs CentresMeeting Diverse Learning Needs
Enrolling in a Catholic School
How are Catholic schools different to other schools?
Catholic schools are extremely popular. In fact, they enrol about 20 per cent of Australian school students.
Many parents say they have made their educational choice for reasons such as:
- Catholic schools are faith-based places that are grounded in Christian values
The Catholic faith is not just taught in Religious Education classes but is experienced within the total culture of the school. Christian values are up front and explicit. Catholic schools are intrinsically connected to the parish in which they reside and are an integral part of the mission and life of the Church.
- Catholic schools strive to achieve very high standards of education
Expectations of achievement and conduct are high. While there is a focus on the individual child, a broad curriculum caters for a wide range of interests and abilities.
- They are safe yet challenging places
Relationships are warm and friendly. Parents, students, teachers and pastors see themselves as working in partnership. The children belong to a community that really cares about each one of them.
Does the school have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy?
Yes we do.
BYOD refers to students bringing a personally-owned laptop or other device to school for the purpose of learning. The college offers a laptop loan program for families who need support and assistance in providing a laptop for their child.
There are a range of different models of BYODs that can be used by students, and the latest details on suitable devices and specifications are available by contacting us.
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Volunteer and Contractor Training
We welcome the contribution volunteers make to the life of our school.
As part of our commitment to keeping students safe, all volunteers in schools are required to complete the building child safe communities undertaking form and child protection training module before volunteering. These checks reduce potential risk and forms part of our strategy to build child safe communities.